
New Beginnings

This is my first time really trying to commit to blogging.  It has been hard for me in the past because I get so busy doing so many other things.  But I figured that since I just graduated from High School and no longer play a sport for a hobby that I would take up a whole new hobby: Personal Style Blogging! Now what got me really interested in blogging about my daily wear were very well-known bloggers like Susie Bubble and WhatIWore's Jessica Quirk. They both have great styles and completely different styles.  But where I found myself in what they wore was the affordability of Quirk's clothing and the entirely unique styling of Bubble's.  It inspired me to start this blog and share my own unique perspective on small-town affordable style.  Afterall, I do really love fashion, but what I love most is a good deal! here we are!  My first blog post is really compiled of pictures taken way back at the beginning of this horribly heated summer in Florida, but new pictures are coming nonetheless. Between school and work I will try my hardest to commit myself fully to this new hobby. Voila! Day 1 of my style adventure!

(Cooperative Shirtdress $10 from UO, Gap Evergreen Tights $10, J.Crew Purple Flower Ponytail $4, My Mother's Vintage Boots)

P.S. All My pictures are courtesy of my Best Friend Chanel. She will appear often in my blog, I'm sure. :]
Au revoir!


  1. What an amazing first post! So happy I came across your blog! I really dedicated myself to blogging once I started college, too, because it was a nice escape from schoolwork. I really look forward to your posts to come. Good luck and I will be back! Hope you can check out my blog!


  2. Thanks so much for your support! You're blog is much more developed than mine is right now but thanks for the compliment! Your is pretty amazing overall! Hope to see more of you!

  3. lovely pics dear. I love your shirt and leggings.xx


  4. awesome first post! (: those tights are kick-ass.


    come by sometime? (:

  5. Cute tights! Love the combo of the green and blue
